How to Draw Anime Christmas Santa Hat Girl
This tutorial shows how to draw an anime girl wearing a Santa hat. It consists of twelve steps with detailed examples for the different stages of the drawing process.

The girl in the example will also be wearing a Christmas outfit and will have a happy/joyful expression that can be appropriate for the holidays.
As this tutorial offers such a detailed breakdown of the drawing process it’s fairly long but hopefully that will also make it easier for you to follow along.
Please note that while the proportions used in this tutorial follow most of the general guides here on AnimeOutline they are still somewhat tweaked to this particular character and may be slightly different than those in other similar tutorials.
Also be aware that you will need to erase some of the outlines as you move between the different steps. If you are going to be drawing using pencil and paper be sure to make light lines so that it’s easier to do so. You can darken them later on once you feel that everything is in the right place.
Step 1 – Draw the Head

Start by making a vertical line through the middle of your drawing area. It’s purpose is to act as a guide line to help you see if both halves of the face are relatively even in width.
Towards the upper end of the guide line draw the top of the head as shown in the example. This should be close in shape to a circle.
Going down from the upper half add the bottom portion of the head. You can again see the breakdown of the various lines/curves for this in the above example.
Start with a pair of lines that are slightly angled towards the middle of the head followed by a set a of curves. Next draw another set of lines angled towards the middle of the head (more so than the previous set). Finally join the two sides with the small curve of the chin at the bottom.
Step 2 – Draw the Neck & Shoulders

From the bottom portion of the head project another pair of lines downwards to show the neck. These should transition into the shoulder muscles/shoulders on each of their respective sides.
For more on drawing necks and shoulders see:
How to Draw Anime Neck & Shoulders
Step 3 – Draw the Eyes

In order to place the eyes you can draw a horizontal line that divides the head into two even halves. Draw the eyes directly below this line.
At this stage you can leave out most of their inner details as the goal is to get the correct size and positioning.
Eye Spacing

Space the eyes far enough apart so that you can fit another eye in between them.
Step 4 – Draw the Eyebrows

Above the eyes draw the eyebrows. For this particular expression they will be raised so you will want to draw them with their inner ends slightly lifted as well as with their overall positioning slightly higher than you would for a normal expression.
In this case the eyebrows are fairly thin but not to the point where they can be drawn with just one line. You can make several lines to give them the right thickness (especially towards their inner ends) but still be sure to keep these very light (for this stage of the drawing).
Step 5 – Draw the Ears

Place the ears with their upper parts close to the upper part of the eyes and their bottom parts close to the halfway point between the top of the eyes and the bottom of the chin.
Leave out the inner details of the ears as most of them will be covered by the hair.
Step 6 – Draw the Nose

Draw the nose as pretty much a dot with it’s bottom between the top of the eyes and the bottom of the chin.
Step 7 – Draw the Mouth

In this case the girl will be smiling (teeth showing) so the placement of the mouth will be tweaked accordingly.
Draw it with it’s bottom positioned between the nose and the chin as shown in the example.
For more on drawing anime mouths and teeth see:
Step 8 – Draw the Hair
Drawing the hair will be split into three sub steps and will use the approach of splitting it into different sections (front, sides and back/top).
For more on this see:
How to Draw Anime and Manga Hair – Female
Draw the hair overlapping the outline of the head/facial features. You can erase the parts that are covered by it afterwards.
Before going into this step you can also erase any of the guide line for placing the facial features.
Also please note that some parts of the hair will be covered by the hat in later steps and will need to be erased. However to help give you a better understanding how to draw it you will be able to see the full hairstyle below.
For the slightly simplified version of adding the hair as well as examples of drawing other types of hats and head ware see:
How to Draw Anime Hats & Head Ware
Draw the Front of the Hair

Begin by drawing the front section of the hair as shown in the example above. As this is anime hair draw it in fairly large clumps with pointy ends.
Draw the Sides of the Hair

For this particular hairstyle draw the side sections of the hair as pretty much mirroring each other. Each side can be pretty much one large clump with a slightly curve in it’s overall shape (hugging the face) and a split on it’s bottom tip.
Draw the Back of the Hair

Finally add the top/back section. You can sort of think of this as the “background” hair. The top part of this section should somewhat trace the shape of the top of the head some distance away from it to give the hair volume.
The bottom part should be a series of small and medium sized hair clumps similar to the front section.
Clean up the Hair Drawing

Finally as mentioned at the start of this step erase the parts of the head/facial features that are covered by the hair so that you have a nice and clean drawing similar to the example above.
Step 9 – Draw the Clothes
This step will again be broken down into sub steps which will consist of adding a Santa hat, a ribbon and some partially visible clothes.
Draw the Santa Hat

Just as you’ve drawn the hair over the head draw the Santa hat over top of the hair.
For this stage you can simplify the pom pom as pretty much just a circle.
Draw the Outfit

The upper part of the clothes as shown in the example above.
Draw the Ribbon

Finally add a ribbon around the neck.
Ribbon Drawing Step by Step

You can see the breakdown of drawing the ribbon in the example above.
- Draw the lace around the neck
- Add the know in the middle
- Draw the “bow tie” looking bit of the ribbon
- Add the ends of the laces hanging down
Clean up the Clothes Drawing

Again clean up the drawing this time by erasing all of the parts of the body covered by the clothes. You can then add the folds to the ribbon as well as the fluff to the pom pom as shown in the example above.
Draw the fluff in several clumps (similar to the hair) over top of the circle using it as a guide to help maintain the round shape of the pom pom. You can then erase the circle once done.
Step 10 – Draw the Small Details

Next draw the inner details of the eyes as well as the eyelashes.
For a detailed breakdown of drawing female anime eyes see:
How to Draw Female Anime Eyes Tutorial
Be sure to also add a hint of the eyelids above them.
You can also add a tiny hint of the ear folds to the visible part of each ear (may be a bit hard to see in the example).
Once done with this step you can trace over your lines with a more solid stroke to darken them.
Step 11 – Add Color

Finally you can color the drawing. In this case the outfit will be red and white. The hair will be brown and the eyes will be green.
Overall this will create a nice combination of holiday colors.
For more on picking colors for an anime character see:
Beginner Guide to Picking Colors When Drawing Anime & Manga
As you color the hair you will want to lave some white spots for the highlights as shown in the example. You can shade these very light with the same color as the hair afterwards.
If coloring digitally you can draw the highlights in over top of the hair color.
For more on drawing hair highlights see:
Different Ways to Draw Anime Hair Highlights
Step 12 – Add the Blush & Shading

Draw the blush with a series of striped lines as well as a blend of some light red around them.
For more on drawing blush see:
How to Draw Anime & Manga Blush in Different Ways
Finally to finish the drawing you can add some some fairly generic shading. The shadows will be added in places where they are likely to occur if the character is outside during daytime on in a well lit room indoors.
Place the shadows as following:
- On the bottom of the “rim” part of the hat and on the bottom of the pom pom
- On the hair cast by the rim of the hat as well as the hair itself (for more on shading hair see: How to Shade Anime Hair Step by Step)
- On the forehead (cast by the hair)
- At the upper parts of the eyes as well as the upper part of the irises (you can also color the pupils the same dark green as they are generally naturally darker)
- Around the eyelids
- To one side of the nose
- On the neck (cast by the head)
- Below the “bow tie” of the ribbon as well as well on it’s inner side
- On the bottom portion of the “collar” of the clothes as well as below it
This tutorial combines many aspects of other tutorials that you can find here on AnimeOutline. While such a detailed breakdown of drawing various parts of the character made it fairly long hopefully it also made it easier for you to follow.
If you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and would like to try drawing other types of characters also see:
How to Draw Anime Characters Tutorial
For more tutorials on drawing clothes see:
- How to Draw Anime Socks, Stockings & Tights
- How to Draw Anime Hats & Head Ware
- How to Draw Anime & Manga Clothes
- How to Draw an Anime Panda Girl Step by Step
- How to Draw an Anime Girl in a Mask Step by Step
- How to Draw a Princess in 12 Step (Anime or Manga)